Zambala Luxury Residence Milano


We consider our environmentalist background as an integral part of the company management and so we face all issues linked to it with a logic superior to the simple respect of law; we take a proactive attitude with goals of continuous improvement of our environmental performances, also using the best available (and economically compatible) technologies. We are aware of the environmental problems linked to our business and for this reason we set up some measures and goals to reduce the impact on the environment. Our mission is to reduce the use of energy and water in our procedures to the minimum. We do this by sticking to strict quality standards that make our guests happy. To do so, we make an effort by generating awareness and training our staff to satisfy these goals and by providing the resources needed to respect them. Moreover we make an effort to communicate our environmental policy and the results we have reached in this difficult task to our guests and employees alike. We encourage everyone to help us with this difficult assignment.